In today’s rapidly evolving health & care landscape, digital health companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their offerings, streamline operations, and stay competitive. Partnering with YourCoach is a game-changer, offering unparalleled benefits that help companies stay competitive and successful. We’ve been partnering with organizations across the globe, embedding YourCoach directly within their platform and thereby giving millions of customers access to real, impactful health coaching.
We’ve already seen incredibly impressive results through these partnerships, but as more potential customers are asking, “So what really is the benefit of partnering with YourCoach? Will this take customers away from our core platform? Why wouldn’t I just introduce an AI chat bot?”, today’s blog is a reminder of everything we’ve learned so far and a reminder for every digital health organization about why health coaching in general, and partnering with YourCoach in particular, is key to upleveling their existing platform or service.
The future of health & wellbeing is through REAL health coaching – don’t miss the chance to advance!
Health coaching is one of the fastest-growing industries within health and wellbeing today, with some estimates valuing it at close to $8 billion. And it’s not surprising because, well, it works. Health coaches make it statistically more possible for individuals to achieve a variety of holistic health goals, including mental health, weight loss, nutrition, smoking cessation and so much more. Especially when introduced in complement to digital health tools, these outcomes are irrefutable.
Simply put, if you’re an organization who hasn’t introduced health coaching as part of your platform or service, you’re not keeping pace with the competition,you’re not optimizing for success and you are missing an opportunity for an additional top-line revenue stream while improving outcomes. We’ve seen the impact pairing health coaching with digital health organizations can have on overall outcomes, satisfaction and engagement. We’ve partnered with a wide range of organizations who specialize in mental health support to medication adherence and health coaching has enhanced the overall capabilities for each. What’s more, across our partners, we’ve received an overall satisfaction score of over 98%.
Tap into validated and verified health & wellbeing coaches and scale on demand.
As with many other areas of health & wellbeing, we’re seeing many organizations take shortcuts to deliver what they think is health coaching (check out more on our perspectives on this here). Unfortunately, only real health coaching delivers real health outcomes and that’s only possible through validated, vetted and dedicated health coaches and personalized, long-term programs. One of the benefits to partnering with YourCoach is that we validate and verify every coach we engage for our partnership programs through real-world data, which means we can stand-up new or scale your existing health coaching operations while tapping into our exceptional, elastic network of health coaches. Not only that, but we’re able to seamlessly embed our proprietary technology to level-up the entire experience from start-to-finish in as little as 2 weeks, something that’s given us the opportunity to continuously provide top-notch coaching and a positive user experience.
Increase user engagement within your platform.
We at times hear from companies that they’re concerned health coaching will detract from their existing service or product. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Likely one of the most compelling and lesser-known stats we’ve uncovered through our ongoing partnerships with digital health organizations is that YourCoach actually drives engagement. In fact, users are up to 10 times more likely to engage with our partners’ platform or service when they’re enrolled in health coaching. This data confirms what we always knew to be true – our health coaching services enhance digital tools and vice versa. In order to deliver truly best-in-class health & wellbeing support, you really must offer both.
We’re encouraged by the strong results we’ve seen thus far through our partnerships and are always happy to provide more information in an initial conversation. If you’re an organization who’s looking to learn more about how we can help you grow through our white-label solution, build or scale a health coaching offering through your existing product or service, send us a note to team@yourcoach.health.