November is National Family Caregivers Month. It comes just in time, just before the holidays, at a time when families might be experiencing stress and anxiety at all-time highs. It’s an important moment for us to recognize caregivers in our lives and to ask, “Who’s taking care of the caregivers?” Employers, especially, do you see caregivers in your workplace? Do you really see them? Are you giving them the support they need to show up and do their jobs well? Are you protecting them from burning out?
Many of us might not realize how many caregivers are in our lives; how many hardworking individuals show up to their 9 to 5 after a 5 to 9 of looking after their loved ones. Caregiving in America looks different for everyone and is more widespread than most might realize. Recent studies estimate around 29% of the U.S. adult population are caregivers, which accounts for nearly a third of households across the country. In today’s blog, we take a closer look at caregivers – who they are; the challenges they face; and most importantly, who is best positioned to take care of them.
What do caregivers look like?
Caregivers are diversely represented in the U.S. population, which is why it’s not always easy to recognize them in our lives. Some caregivers might be looking after an aging parent; an ailing sibling or spouse; or a child in need of additional care. According to recent HealthDay data, around 23% of caregivers are supporting someone with an intellectual or developmental disability, while 66% are caring for a senior with a health problem or disability. Some people are lifelong caregivers, while others are fulfilling this role temporarily.
While caregivers are present in every age group – including among those 65+ and even children and adolescents – data suggests that most caregivers are women and the average age of caregivers is around 49 years old. More than half of employed caregivers work full time, and many others juggle one or multiple part-time jobs that give them the benefit of more flexibility. Even so, the stress of managing employment, which is very often a necessity given exorbitant costs of care, can become difficult to manage.
What unique challenges do caregivers face?
The stress of caregiving – whether temporary or long-term – has serious effects on mental and physical health and wellbeing. Between 40 and 70% of caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression. The compounding effects of stress at home and in the workplace, often without the space or time to recuperate, further exacerbates the mental health effects of caring for loved ones.
Not only that, but caregivers also experience higher health-related expenses, often catalyzing a further decline in mental health and marked increase in stress and anxiety. It’s estimated that caregiving-related costs account for as much as 26% of a caregiver’s annual income.
How are health coaches providing unmatched support for this unique population?
When it comes to taking care of caregivers, the biggest challenge is also the easiest to solve. It’s noticing caregivers need help and giving them what they need. In fact, only 56% of caregivers report their work supervisor is aware of their caregiving responsibilities. Health coaches understand what caregivers need and meet them where they are. They’re a regular support system for a population who’ve been conditioned to believe that help comes only when you’re in the doctor’s office. Health coaches show caregivers that they have a support system beyond the doctor’s office – and one that’s tailor-made just for them.
One of our favorite phrases here at YourCoach is that you can’t help others until and unless you help yourself (it’s words we live by!). Our health coaches know this better than anyone, and the results prove it! One of the first case studies on the use of health & wellness coaching for cancer patient caregivers illustrated showed promising improvements to their quality of life, decreasing stress and managing anxiety (you can access more data like this in our Caregiver Deep Dive here).
Employers, your caregivers need you. Providing them access to dedicated, REAL health coaches, with years of experience in supporting individuals just like them, can change their lives. If you’re interested in learning more about how to partner with us to bring real health coaching to your organization, message us at team@yourcoach.health.