CEO Marina Checks in with our Coaching Community
This past month marked one year unlike any other. It’s the type of year that inspires gratitude and fosters perspective, even as we wrangle with loss and recovery. Here at YourCoach, we’re a practice management platform centered first, on community. I’ve been reflecting lately on our Coaching Community as a whole and have pulled together some lessons learned from this past year as we look ahead with hope, to the future.
Maintenance is just as important as progress
As coaches, this is a lesson many of us may have already learned from our clients or in our own lives. Especially as we were challenged with quarantining this past year, while being bombarded with messages of encouragement to, “use your quarantine time wisely,” to learn a skill or workout more or write a book or clean or insert seemingly productive task here; sometimes, it’s perfectly admirable to maintain.
This year posed emotional, mental and physical challenges inside and outside the home. It’s important to take a moment at this one year mark to practice self-love and gratitude for weathering the storm of this past year. Growth can and does happen even when we’re staying still.
It takes a (virtual) village
As a team, we spent more time apart this year than ever before–so we leaned on our Coaching Community for support. We built out our co-coaching and mentorship opportunities within our practice management platform and started offering more webinars, including Q&As and skill building opportunities to get to know each other better than before. I, personally, have had over 100 one-on-one demos with new coaches on our platform to walk them through how we can help them level-up their business.
We learned to carve out community in virtual spaces, which ends up offering more opportunities to connect with coaches in many different walks of life and many different parts of the globe. Community keeps us connected, motivated, inspired, supported and always en route to the best versions of ourselves.
Checking in goes a long way
In the process of building out and appreciating our Coaching Community, we learned that community is truly everywhere. Sometimes all it takes is a quick check in, a phone call, text, socially distanced wave, even a nod of acknowledgement. Especially during a year where we existed in our own four walls, sometimes it’s just nice to feel seen.
Checking in is what makes health coaches so impactful – it’s at the crux of what we do. It helps people stay motivated and feel confident and accountable to their goals. Bringing this skill to your broader community, whether it’s checking in with an acquaintance or neighbor, or perhaps a close friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, can have a major impact on someone’s health and wellbeing.
Maintain perspective, practice gratitude
This past year we realized just how closely gratitude and perspective are intertwined. Many of our team members faced unexpected, scary and holistically trying circumstances. What we learned, collectively, was that by reframing our perspectives with gratitude, we were able to manage through life’s uncertainties, of course with the support of one-another.
This is a powerful tool we practice every day as health coaches and that we try to impart on our clients. It can be as simple as starting or closing every day with a list of the things we’re grateful for, writing a thank you note to ourselves or taking a minute to say thank you to someone who’s made an impact on us that day. Gratitude reshapes the way we look at our obstacles or wins and our goals – it’s our human super power.
I’d like to close this post in two important ways. First, we, at YourCoach, are so grateful for you all. Without the support of our Coaching Community, we wouldn’t be so inspired to accomplish our goals every day. Second, I’d like to check in with you all. After this trying year, how are you doing? Message or email us your thoughts, or join us weekly during our Clubhouse Coaching Community Check Ins to share your wins, troubleshoot any pain points and provide perspective through community. We’re excited to support one another in whatever lies ahead.