Gratitude is an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle. Here at YourCoach, we have plenty to be grateful for. It’s customary around this time of year for us to begin reflecting on all the things in our community we have to be grateful for. Today, we ask you to join us in this gratitude exercise to celebrate just a few of the many reasons we have to be thankful.
To the practicing coaches on our platform:
We’re so grateful for you and your hard work and dedication. Your commitment to clients and making their health goals a reality is truly remarkable and you remind us every day of our important mission here at YourCoach—to deliver the power of health coaching to the global population by 2030!
It’s thanks to you that we’re able to fulfill commitments to our industry partners, matching their members with live health coaches like YOU to complement digital health tools and services. It’s through these partnerships and your great work that we’re working to make health coaching omnipresent so everyone can live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Thank you for keeping us inspired and excited about this profession and its very bright future.
To coaches not yet on our platform (but planning to be very soon!):
Thank you for making the commitment to becoming a health coach! We know the journey to becoming a coach isn’t an easy one, but you’ve taken an important first step towards fulfilling your goals, while helping others reach theirs. There’s no more rewarding profession than this one!
We hope you entrust us to build your practice through our platform, taking advantage of our many tools, resources, and new client opportunities to become a successful Health Coach-Preneur. If you’re thinking about downloading the platform but not sure where to start, we’re here for you! Set up an initial onboarding session with us HERE.
To our industry partners and their members:
To our current and prospective industry partners, we owe you a resounding THANK YOU! Thank you for believing in the scientifically-backed power of health coaching and thank you, especially, for entrusting YourCoach and our Coaching Community, to power up your live health coaching services.
It’s no surprise that corporate wellness is increasingly on the minds of every progressive employer—the .U.S. Surgeon General even named it one of its current priorities, citing 81% of employees will be looking for workplaces that support mental health in the future. Through current partnerships with digital health organizations like Twill and Feel Therapeutics, we’re proud to deliver better mental health outcomes to members and talent. We’re excited for upcoming partnerships across health specialties, to continue delivering better outcomes through our partnerships.
A few more things our team is grateful for…
- “I”m thankful for the honor and the opportunity my team and I have to make this world a little better, one person at a time” – Marina Borukhovich, CEO & Founder
- “I am thankful for all those who pretend to like my jokes—HAH! But on a serious note, I’m thankful for those who tell it like it is with honesty and authenticity.” – Eugene Borukhovich, COO
- “I’m thankful for my family, our pets, and time spent baking with my kids at the holidays!” – Ashlee Honeycutt, Director of Health Coaching Operations
- “So thankful for my health and for coworkers that make me laugh!” – Rowan Lischerelli, Health Coach Coordinator
- “I’m thankful for all of my decisions and mistakes that make me who I am.” – Denis Golubev, UX/UI Designer
- “I’m thankful for my close friends, pets, good health, coworkers’ jokes, fuzzy socks, food delivery services, and Netflix, because it’s so cold outside!” – Nina Somkina, UX/UI Researcher
- “I’m grateful for my body and all it’s able to overcome and accomplish.” – Rebeka Gyorfi, Community Manager
- “I want to thank my inner child, who helps me stay grounded.” – Yuriy Martynov, QA Engineer
- “I’m grateful for health coaches and the YourCoach team, who remind me of qualities I value most, like honesty, dedication and creativity.” – Nicole Zoulis, PR & Marketing Manager
- I am grateful for the opportunity to work for a fantastic company with an amazing team. – David Sarishvili, SEO Specialist
We invite you to take a moment and jot down some things you’re grateful for in your life. Share it with your loved ones and inspire others to capture their gratitude in the next few days.