Since we started YourCoach, our goal has been clear—helping people achieve more optimal health. In 2023, we’re continuing to keep people at the center of everything we do—even as our world shifts to focus more on AI and services such as ChatGPT are becoming more popular. Our message is very clear – we love technology and it’s central to what we’ve built and continuing to build at YourCoach, but we ALWAYS keep focus on the people intended to benefit from it and on bringing forth more human connection, because we all need that someone to lean on.
Why create Deep Dives?
Here at YourCoach, we will always put people first. Supporting health coaches and making coaching more accessible to the global population remains our core mission, because we believe so deeply in the proven power of health coaching.
We very often are met with the question, “So, who do health coaches help? Is there any data to prove it?” We’re excited to introduce YourCoach Deep Dives to answer these questions and then some, educating industries on the science behind health coaching and its proven efficacy across health issues and demographics.
What can you expect from YourCoach Deep Dives?
Throughout the course of the year, we’ll be releasing several easy-to-digest reports per month, timed to coincide with national health holidays, in an effort to showcase the many lives touched by health coaches and the potential to help many more.
Each report will provide a comprehensive overview of each health focus—its prevalence across populations, its risk factors and any lifestyle habits that may exacerbate or improve the condition. Every Deep Dive will root itself in a compilation of relevant, reliable and recent data to highlight successful health coaching interventions for those struggling with a given condition.
We’re sharing real data, focused on real humans, supporting the notion that every human—whether it be caregivers looking to get more balance in their lives, one of the millions of Americans battling heart disease, someone working to reduce stress and anxiety—every human needs a health coach.
Where and when can I access these Deep Dives?
We’re excited to release two to three Deep Dives per month, timed to coincide with national health holidays and often supported by webinars and social posts that further educate on a given issue. Our goal is to zero in on some of the health issues that affect so many of us—or our loved ones—and shine a light on the many ways health coaches have successfully intervened to support healthier living.
We’re excited to have introduced our very first Deep Dive last week, focused on Caregivers, their increased physical and mental health risks and the data behind successful health coaching interventions. We bring to light some lesser-known statistics, like that 7 out of 10 unpaid caregivers experienced at least one mental health impact. More importantly, we share how health coaches can help caregivers prioritize their own health needs, while also supporting their loved ones.
You can download the full deep dive HERE, where all our other Deep Dives will also be accessible. Stay tuned for our next report on February 28 where we round out American Heart Month with a Deep Dive on Heart Health.
We have many important topics we’ll be focusing on throughout the year, so be sure to follow along with us across channels to stay up-to-date with our latest reports. It’s our hope these reports are shared beyond the health coaching community, beyond the digital health space, and even beyond healthcare.
Education is an important next step in the Health Coaching Revolution. We want everyone to understand the far-reaching benefits of health coaching and—more importantly—have access to a health coach of their own.