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Thriving in the Workplace – Disruptive Dialogues with Leaders Who Care – Celeste Harrington

Time – 12:30PM EST

Date – May 29

Guest – Celeste Harrington

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Over the last several months, we’ve spoken with key leaders within human resources, benefits and organizational transformation about the state of workplace well-being and what changes need to be implemented to shape healthier, happier and more productive employees. One of the key themes we’ve begun to notice during these discussions is simple—it’s hard to move the needle when everyone is so used to the status quo. Especially as it relates to workplace wellbeing.

What are Disruptive Dialogues?

Disruptive Dialogues are conversations that challenge the norms around how we currently conceptualize and address health and wellbeing inside the workplace. Key opinion leaders will challenge a group of dedicated, thoughtful leaders from within human resources, benefits, DE&I, and other culture-shaping departments to rethink their approach to workplace wellness.

Our second session is scheduled for May 29 at 12:30 p.m. ET led by Celeste Harrington, well-being coach and Global Wellness and Benefits Manager at Microsoft. As a seasoned wellness professional, Celeste specializes in overseeing global mental and emotional well-being programs for some of the largest tech companies in the world. We will be chatting with Celeste on  successful implementation of  impactful programs that prioritize the mental and physical wellbeing of employees.


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