We love getting to know practicing coaches on our platform and today we’re excited to see how much our community knows about us! Inspired by a team-building exercise we did a few weeks ago, we’re sharing three truths and one lie about who we are and what we stand for—do you know YourCoach well enough to spot the lie?
Let us know what you think in the comments section of today’s social media posts and we just *might* have a prize for select winners!
We’re category creators.
We’re pioneering firsts here at YourCoach, namely as the only operating system for behavior change, powered by health coaches. No other organization on the market offers an end-to-end, HIPAA-compliant practice management platform and one-stop-solution for the growing gig economy of health coaches AND connects coaches to new client opportunities via our industry partnerships.
This unique model holds promise for merging the quickly colliding worlds of health coaching and digital health, delivering more opportunities to coaches and spreading the power of health coaching across the globe.
We’re fairly new to the health coaching world, having launched in 2021
We’re growing quickly at YourCoach thanks to fabulous coaches like YOU (we’ve well-surpassed 2,500 coaches practicing on our platform and are expanding by the day!). We were just founded in 2021 and are continuing to grow at record pace.
We were founded by a health coach
Our CEO & Founder, Marina Borukhovich is a proud health coach, who was inspired to receive her health coaching certification after her cancer journey. Her experiences with breast cancer taught her about the importance of health coaches as advocates, resources and motivators, so much so that she launched YourCoach to deliver the power of health coaching to more individuals than ever.
Across our team, we speak 13 languages and come from 10 countries
We’re a truly international team here at YourCoach, working round the clock to support health coaches as well as our industry partners, their clients and members. So far, our team speaks English, Spanish, French, Catalan, German, Hungarian, Greek, Ukrainian, Polish, Georgian, Tatar, Russian and Serbian and hails from ten different countries and 3 continents. Our team is growing by the day, so this number will likely change very soon!
So, what do you think? Can you spot the lie?