Event description
The world is full of people who are actively experiencing trauma – job losses, economic recession, war, the pandemic, we could make a list a mile long. As coaches, we are bound to come across clients who have experienced some level of trauma. How do we help them further their health and wellness goals, stay in scope, and also hold space for their trauma? This instructor-led, theory-based 1-hour webinar will explore the types of trauma, why we need to talk about it, how to do so within our scope, and give you some practical skills to take away and use with coaching clients.
Oct 11, 2022, 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
About YourCoach Health
We’re the premier Virtual Home for health and wellness coaching, an ecosystem built to empower health coaches to deliver their services to even more individuals across the globe. Join us on the Health Coaching Revolution as we strive to deliver the power of health coaching to the 8.5 billion global population by 2030. Download the platform here.
This session will be recorded and it will be available for coaches practicing on the YourCoach platform and part of our community after the events. Other registered attendees will get the recording at a later date.